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Friday, February 8, 2013


Hey guys! So i have been trying to use DAZ to create some hot pics for you guys but i cannot work it out!

If there are any poser fiends out there who can help me i would be very gratefull! Here is a screen shot of what im looking at and basically when i click on any of the content on the right hand side....nothing shows up. It says LOADING and then...nothing??!

Please help! I would love to start rendering some content :))


  1. From the screenshot, it looks like you're trying to select morphs, instead of the actual figure itself. Try clicking the "smart content" tab on the left hand side of the workspace, and then go to "people." There is where all human figures are assinged. double click the one you want and it should load. If not, be sure you have installed all files relating to the figure. From what I see, you're using M4, which is a stand-alone figure. I'd recommend getting Micheal 5, which uses the genesis figure as a base, which allows for more morphs like increasing muscularity or making them different body shapes. Also, M5 has, in my opinion, much more realistic textures and a more realistic body shape. Hope this helps!

    1. haha just reading back on this, thankyou so much dude! check out my Y!gallery to see how much i've improved from this ;)

  2. Thankyou so much! Ill give it a go :-)
